A debt management service is a set of guidelines or procedures that deal with an existing, overdue debt and the way in which the debtor is managing the debt to avoid bankruptcy. This more commonly refers to an individual finance plan for people dealing with high consumer credit debt.
Debt management services are becoming increasingly common among consumers, who have an extremely high level of unsecured debt (in excess of ten thousand dollars). Debt management is the application of a professional financial institution that has expertise in assisting such individuals in paying back the debt within a specified period of time. It is important to note that most debt management programs can only be completed successfully by an accredited professional debt settlement firm.
Consumers that use debt-management services are usually offered specific services such as budgeting assistance, debt repayment help, and counseling regarding financial planning. A debt management program may also include debt consolidation (including the use of a loan to pay off high interest credit card accounts), debt reduction, and the negotiation of lower interest rates, fees, and penalties from creditors. Most debt management companies offer both credit counseling and debt repayment help and are not affiliated with any one particular company.
Debt management programs generally have a minimum fee associated with them. Some will charge a low fee and others will charge a reasonable fee based upon a percentage of what they save you each month. Most debt management programs will also require a minimum deposit before they will begin to negotiate your debts with your creditors. These deposits can range from a few hundred dollars up to several thousand dollars, depending upon the program.
Debt management programs typically offer services in the form of a credit report review, credit repair, debt consolidation, and advice on saving for retirement. These services will be provided to you free of charge.
If you are facing financial hardships, it is important to contact a certified debt professional as soon as possible. Professional debt advice and debt management programs can help you manage your debt in a way that helps you maintain a healthy financial situation.
Debt management can help you take control of your financial future and eliminate debt. This can be accomplished in a number of ways: negotiating a new payment arrangement with your creditors; seeking professional help with a debt-management plan;, or finding debt consolidation and credit counseling. Consolidating debt can be accomplished through secured or unsecured debt consolidation programs. Secured debt consolidation programs can often offer lower interest rates on loans and credit cards while credit counseling can help you make better budget decisions, keep track of payments, and reduce or eliminate late payments.
When selecting a reputable debt management company, it is important to choose a company that has been accredited with the Better Business Bureau and has been in business for a number of years. This will ensure that they have a good track record of providing good quality debt advice and are legitimate.
Once the debt management program is established, the debtor can then move on to managing their debt at their own pace. If you feel you need professional help, speak to a certified counselor that offers this type of program to determine the best course of action for your specific situation.